Graham Modern Dance with Natasha Diamond-WALKER 8x8

LENGTH: 65 min. LEVEL: Intermediate SPACE: Small

Soloist with the Martha Graham Dance Company, Natasha Diamond-Walker offers Dancio an intermediate Graham class designed especially for small spaces. She starts with “Centering” on the floor and finishes with a phrase adaptable to any small apartment. Concise and precise, this is a fantastic way to keep up with your favorite Graham practices without the struggle of adapting them to the music, environment, or memory of what you have.  

Recognizing the recent widespread need for classes for small spaces, Dancio promptly launched the 8x8 Challenge; an invitation to several super inspiring teachers to create a full class for a space no larger than 8'x8'. It is our mission to keep you connected to dance by accessing class anytime, anyplace-so- push the furniture out of the way and enjoy our "dance at home" series. 

Music: Stahv Danker

Category: Modern



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